How to talk to your kids about therapy
be honest.
The most important part of talking to your child about starting therapy is to be honest. Let them know it is a person that they are able to talk about anything with and that taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body. They go together.
Part of our jobs as the grown up’s in our kids lives is to show them opportunities to be their best self. Introducing therapy is a way to break long term stigma, provide a space for openness and inclusivity and give them life long tools to manage thoughts, feelings, behaviors. Be honest about your therapy too, the best way to teach your child something important, is to live and model it yourself.
Provide them the information that in therapy, it is their chance to learn new skills for communication, friendship, emotions and understand what they are great at and could also improve upon. Self discovery and the freedom to open up is a great gift.